Best Ways to Send Large Files – For Free
Teacher: Vicky Patoulioti, Talent Source Manager at ITSme & Emily Coggins, Director of Marketing and Public Relations at ITSme
Throughout your career as a creative, you will find you will need to send in files over 5 MB regularly. Your typical inbox tends to bounce emails with over 5-8 MB of attachments.
If you are doing a preliminary send, portfolio review, or sketches to your agent, editor, or art director, you can simply reduce files and make smaller attachments that fall within the 5 Mb limit – this way you’ll be certain they will receive your work.
However, as we go to print, publish, or promote work, we often need to send large print-ready files. In these scenarios, you will absolutely need to create a folder of your work and send it through a link.
To be print ready the images must be in CMYK and in the highest resolution possible or requested. Please ensure each image’s DPI is above 300 for a clear and crisp result. There are several websites you can use to send over HR files that are too large to send as an email attachment. You can use one of the following if you are unsure of what program to use, as well as many others out there:
The above have paid and unpaid options. Watch our video tutorial to learn more about this! Also, we can’t forget google drive as an option for you gmail users.
Ensure your files are labeled appropriately too. It is often worth having your initials at the beginning of each file, and a quick keyword to help with SEO to distinguish your work.
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Flavia was born in the first winter of the 80s near Milan.As a child, whe loved summer because didn’t have to go to school and could draw on the balcony table, all day, until dinner time.After completing her artistic studies and then her graphic studies, she worked for many years as a graphic designer, developing...
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