By Advocate Art
One of the greatest aspects to Children’s advertising campaigns is the scope creatives have to work with when designing their campaigns. They can create new worlds, invent new characters to promote products or use traditional values to harness a nostalgic classical campaign look.
A reason this landscape is SO vast is due to the diversity of parenting in today’s modern society. After all, parents are an important target audience for many brands in this sector, but parenting comes in many forms: single parents, dual-income, heterosexual parents, LBGTQ+ parents, foster parents, just for starters, and yet, many companies and brands are only recently beginning to break the stereotypical trend of the classic mother and father demographic.
Therefore, the boundary’s a creative can go to on campaigns are endless. It’s for this reason then that Advocate Art prides itself on the richness of our roster with available, best selling artists across every style and genre to tackle any challenge and exceed expectations, with the creativity and expertise to meet any brief.
See below as we introduce a selection of proven artists with campaign credits and the appeal perfectly placed for children’s campaigns.
With a recent children’s board game credit to her name, Charlotte Pepper is perfect for character led campaigns due to her commercial, heartwarmingly nostalgic yet adaptable pattern style. Whether she is creating a character, bringing animals to life or designing classic landscapes, her work will instantly connect with the younger children’s market and will draw their attention through her charming work and use of colour.
Teresa Bellon’s commercial style and characters showcase a childlike charm and innocence, ideal for younger audiences,. Teresa’s work can have an almost abstract feel to it and therefore, beautifully placed for campaign projects which look to push the boundaries.
We know as advertisers do, that the earlier children learn about a brand the better, especially in a world where the last generation of children have grown up with unprecedented access to devices and technology, Therefore, the ability to ‘Hook them Young’ is crucial for a campaign and at the forefront of this is the artwork.
With the ability to bring any narrative to life Mike Byrne’s classic picture book style and expressive characters and perfect for character led children’s campaigns for both young children and pre-teens. Whether it’s a human, animal or an alien, Mikes work put the character front and centre.
Perfectly placed for environmentally themed campaigns or children’s science and technology brands, Jean Claude has a fun way of illustrating factual information with commercial appeal. Claude’s work directly speaks to the younger market due to his vibrant characters, which will bring any brand campaign to life. Outside of his character work Jean Claude’s strong overall stye has a nostalgic tone perfect for any campaign with a retro feel or holistic approach.
Through decades experience of working with brands, we know the power of strong imagery and that innovative characters are the cornerstone to a campaigns success. The Creative artists we represent at Advocate Art understand that power and their goal is to create these images which will resonate with Children and parents alike. We are proud boast a vast talent pool of proven great available artists to collaborate on Brand campaigns across the whole children’s sector providing great art at the centre point of new brands to the market. Our agents are keen to meet with you to discuss future projects, so welcome you to contact us as we’d love to hear more!