ITS for me

We assist seven creative agencies in finding new talent, educational outreach, and promotional marketing. All of the ITSme Society agencies agree to the Positive E.F.E.C.T.S. charter, and work with ITSme for their talent scouting and administrative needs.The ITSme Society’s members formed out of a collective attitude to instill positive change for any agency working in the creative fields of design, animation, literary, writing, commercial art, illustration, film and service industries for the aforementioned.

Get to know the ITSme Society

Who is in the Society?

The following agencies are all part of the ITSme Society:Advocate Art Limited / Sociedad Limitada / Incorporated, Artistique INT Ltd, Astound US Inc, Caroline Wakeman Literary Agency, Collaborate Agency Ltd, Illo Agency Ltd, and Yeon Agency Pte. Ltd.

What is the ITSme Society?

All of the ITSme Society agencies agree to the Positive E.F.E.C.T.S. charter, and work with ITSme for their talent scouting and administrative needs.

Do the agencies all operate in the same way?

The agencies all operate independently as unique brand’s with their own management, agents, agreements and areas of focus.

Does ITSme choose what artists are signed by the agencies?

The agencies have the final say when it comes to what talent they sign. The managing agent at each agency chooses the artists that join their agency based on the needs of that agency. ITSme helps scout talent and direct talent to the agents to review. All talent goes through ITSme, and the agents work hand in hand with the ITSme talent scouting team to review and hand select the best of the best.

What is “Positive E.F.E.C.T.S” charter?

We instill positive change under our “Positive E.F.E.C.T.S” charter. The charter outlines how we aim to advance the Environmental, Financial, Ethical, Collaborative, Training and Social standards. Yes, we know we are missing an F!

You may read the full charter below:


The International Talent Search Charter “ITSme Group” was formed with the primary aim of advancing the Environmental, Financial, Ethical, Collaborative, Training and Social standards of the Independent Creative Businesses (as signed) “Agencies.” Influencing positive change with the Agencies Staff, outlook, and beyond to those that the Agencies deal with day to day (“Stakeholders”) in their commercial dealings; through outreach in education and their marketing.

The Agencies agree by signature to abide, adhere, improve and enforce the following:


1.01 Agencies will strive to meet highest environmental standards by seeking to preserve resources, minimise or negate environmental impact, protect against damage, and where possible repair past damage caused by human activity.

This includes but is not limited to:

a – Not entering into commercial relationships with single-use, or non-recyclable brands or items wherever possible.

b – Promote positive sustainability in all practices with Stakeholders.

c – Allowing dispersed working and limiting travel.

d – Engaging positively in conservation and preservation.


2.01 Agencies produce clear guidelines for Stakeholders on the relationship between productivity or performance gains and shared profit, so that the wealth generated can be levelled to all parties.

2.02 Agencies must maintain balance sheets that do not impact negatively on the payment of debts, which in turn must be paid on the agreed payment dates or sooner.


3.01 Agencies must maintain and publish balanced and fair Stakeholder contracts, these must detail:

(a) Working methods that demonstrate how transparency is integrally assessable with their dealings.

(b) Clear copyright ownership.

(c) Non-restrictive clauses that enable stakeholders to maintain their own income.

3.02 All creatives are equal, (and not some more than others) :

(a) Agencies must distribute commercial marketing equally to all Stakeholders, not just promote “Celeb” Stakeholders.

(b) Agencies must offer work on the same financial level to Stakeholders regardless of where they are located geographically. Therefore not exploit differences in the strength or weakness of their currency.

3.03 Agencies produce and create content that is purposeful, engaging, and meets the highest ethical standards when possible, furthering the E.F.E.C.T.S. goals.


4.01 Agencies fully accept that there should be a collaborative approach to all signatories within the ITSme Society.

4.02 To encourage, plan, and be successful at cross-working and communication.

4.03 Agencies must adhere to common standards in Quality Management and reporting.


5.01 Agencies run documented training programmes for all Stakeholders. Stakeholders are able to apply for advanced external training.

5.02 Knowledge is shared by default and by routine.

5.03 Training and outreach is extended beyond the Agencies to any interested parties not limited to talks, sponsorships, social media recordings, and educational linkups.


6.01 Agencies promote inclusivity through staffing, third party contractor choices (suppliers, freelancers etc.) not limited to religious creeds, age, sexuality, nationality, ethnicity or disability.

6.02 Agencies promote diversity in creative output, understanding that the creative interpretation should not be homogenised by one group, and celebrating differences.

6.03 Agents promote and encourage staff well being in a positive culture, to always uphold the highest social standards in career advancement and work-life balance.


The ITSme Group is auditable under the general framework akin to the quality management systems ISO9001 and 9002 (formally BS 5750) to ensure standards are met and improved upon. Problems and non-compliance issues are dealt with in a timely manner and rectifications are improvements that can be implemented.

Interested in learning more?  If you would like further details please email:
