What Is Comp Shopping? And Why Is It Important?
Teacher: Bhavisha Patel, creative director at Advocate Art
One of the best ways to keep up to date and in the know in the industry is to go comp shopping…
So what is comp shopping? Comp shopping is simply scoping out the competition in the real world. It’s the exercise agents and freelance artists undertake when they want to be well-informed about what’s selling in the market and figure out the career direction they want to go in or guide artists towards.
The beauty of comp shopping is that you can do it anywhere: bookstores, greeting card shops, supermarkets, homeware stores, fashion companies, etc. Inspiration is to be found everywhere, from trending colour palettes to popular subject motifs.
There is a direct correlation between dedicating time to comp shopping and acquiring new jobs. By understanding what publishers are putting out in the consumer market and what sells well, you can begin to see their main focuses and what they look for in terms of artistic styles.
We believe that this is a helpful exercise for artists and agents alike, as it’s a great way to filter the saturated markets and find out where you are best placed. Comp shopping also gives helpful insights into how to develop a portfolio further by highlighting pieces that may be missing in a portfolio alongside inspiring new pieces. It’s the secret technique that could lead to attracting a client and securing you a dream project! So, venture out of your creative hub and start to take in your surroundings to help inspire new pieces.
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Flavia was born in the first winter of the 80s near Milan.As a child, whe loved summer because didn’t have to go to school and could draw on the balcony table, all day, until dinner time.After completing her artistic studies and then her graphic studies, she worked for many years as a graphic designer, developing...
What Is Comp Shopping? And Why Is It Important?
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